1,787 research outputs found

    Prarancangan Pabrik Dibutyl Phthalate Dari Phthalic Anhydride Dan N-Butanol Dengan Katalis Asam Sulfat Kapasitas 12.500 Ton/Tahun

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    Pabrik dibutyl phthalate dengan bahan baku phthalic anhydride dan n-butanol direncanakan berdiri di kawasan industri Gresik, Jawa Timur dengan kapasitas produksi 12.500 ton/tahun pada tahun 2018. Pembuatan dibutyl phthalate dilakukan dengan proses esterifikasi dengan katalis asam sulfat pada reaktor alir berpengaduk adiabatic nonisothermal. Reaksi berlangsung pada fase cair irreversible dan eksotermis. Pada suhu 140oC dan tekanan 1atm. Kebutuhan phthalic anhydride untuk pabrik ini sebanyak 1001,062 kg/jam dan n-butanol sebanyak 1.123,839 kg/jam. Produk berupa dibutyl phthalate sebanyak 1.578,283 kg/jam dan air sebanyak 103,407 kg/jam. Utilitas pendukung proses meliputi penyrdiaan air sebanyak 3.048,222 kg/jam yang diperoleh dari air sungai Brantas, kebutuhan steam sebanyak 1.611,958 kg/jam, yang diperoleh dari boiler dengan bahan bakarbatu bara sebanyak 222,769 kg/jam, dan kebutuhan listrik diperoleh dari PLN dan generator sebesar 60 kW dengan kebutuhan bahan bakar sebanyak 12,144 kg/jam. Pabrik direncanakan beroprasi selama 330 hari pertahun dengan jumlah karyawan 163 orang, modal tetap sebesar Rp 99.105.458.205,44 pertahun. Modal kerja sebesar Rp 214.150.396.665,74 pertahun. Setelah dipotong pajak keuntungan mencapai Rp 24.440.684.182,77 pertahun. Percent return on investment (ROI) sebelum pajak sebesar 11,39% dan sesudah pajak sebesar 8,35%. Pay out time (POT) sebelum pajak sebesar 2,21 tahun dan setelah pajak 2,89 tahun. Break event point (BEP) sebesar 43,69%, shut down point (SDP) sebesar 27,70%, internal rate of return (IRR) berdasarkan discounted cash flow (DCF) sebesar 20,91%. Berdasarkan pertimbangan bahwa ROI, POT, BEP, SDP dan IRR untuk pabrik beresiko rendah perhitungannya memenuhi standar maka pabrik dibutyl phthalate ini layak unuk didirika

    Perancangan Gedung Hotel 4 lantai di Daerah Solo Baru, Sukoharjo dengan Sistem Rangka Pemikul Momen Menengah

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    Sukoharjo regency is one of the growing areas in terms of economy and tourism. With respect to the development of the supporting infrastructure requires to meet the needs of temporary accommodation of travellers, the hotel is one of the solutions to meet those needs. The purpose of this final task is to plan the structure of the building 4 floor frame system with Secondary Moment Resisiting Frame (SMRF) in the area of Sukoharjo. Planning the structure refers to the SNI 1726-2012 (the rules of building structure earthquake for building structure and non-structure) and the SNI 2847-2013 (requirenment of concrete structural for building structure). Data planning includes land site classification categories SC (the ground hard), earthquake resistant building with response modification factor (R) by virtue of building factor 5, Ie with a value of 1.0. The quality of concrete used f'c 25 MPa, as well as longitudinal reinforcement fy = 350 MPa and shear reinforcement (begel) fyt = 320 MPa. Calculating the forces within SAP applications using SAP2000 and to draw the results of calculations using the AutoCAD application. The results of the calculation produces a thick 12 cm for floor slab and roof slabs with a thickness of 10 cm and 15 cm. For the main structure of the beams were obtained with dimensions 300/400 and column with dimensions 300/400, for bottom structure using continuous foundation and sloof with dimensions 400/1000 with soil bearing capacity = 125 kPa at a depth of -2.0 m

    Perencanaan Gedung Rumah Sakit Empat Lantai (+ 1 Basement) Dengan Sistem Daktail Parsial Di Karanganyar

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    Perencanaan ini dimaksudkan untuk merencanakan gedung rumah sakit empat lantai (+ 1 basement) di daerah Karanganyar (wilayah gempa 3) yang berdiri di atas tanah lunak dan berdasarkan pada SNI 03-1726-2002 dengan nilai faktor daktalitas (μ) = 2,5 dan R = 4,0 sehingga termasuk pada daktail parsial. Perencanaan struktur beton bertulang digunakan mutu bahan yang digunakan meliputi mutu beton f’c = 25 MPa, mutu baja tulangan fyl = 350 MPa dan mutu begel fys : 300 MPa. Peraturan-peraturan yang digunakan sebagai acuan meliputi PPIUG-1983, untuk penentu besarnya beban suatu material terhadap gedung. SNI-03-1729-2000, untuk pembebanan pada rangka atap baja. PPBBI-1984, untuk perhitungan rangka atap baja. PBI-1971, untuk perhitungan plat dan tangga. SNI-1726-2002, untuk mencari besar gaya geser akibat gempa pada gedung. SNI-03-2847-2002, untuk pembebanan pada struktur gedung. SNI-03-2847-2002, untuk perhitungan beton bertulang struktur gedung. Analisis mekanika struktur untuk mencari gaya-gaya dalam yang terjadi pada portal struktur gedung menggunakan program “SAP 2000” 8 non linear. Perhitungan matematis agar mendapat hasil yang cepat dan akurat menggunakan program ”Microsoft Excel 2007”. Sedangkan penggambaran menggunakan program ”AutoCAD 2008”. Hasil yang diperoleh dari perencanaan Tugas Akhir ini yaitu struktur atap menggunakan kuda-kuda rangka baja profil 40.50.4.. Ketebalan plat atap 10 cm, plat lantai 12 cm, bordes 12 cm, dan badan tangga 12 cm. Balok dengan dimensi 450/650 dan kolom dengan dimensi 650/650. Pondasi menggunakan pondasi tiang pancang dengan dimensi poer dengan ukuran (4 x 4) m2 dengan tebal 1 m, dan sedangkan sloof berdimensi (0,45 x 0,65 ) m2

    Perancangan Gedung Hotel 4 Lantai di Daerah Solo Baru Sukoharjo Dengan Sistem Rangka Pemikul Momen Biasa

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    Solo Baru is one of the areas that are in Grogol, Sukoharjo district developed as one of the economic centers in Sukoharjo so many newcomers perform economic activities, from the high of migrants into Solo Baru led to high demand for lodging. The hotel replied height migrants with good facilities. This final project aims to produce a 4 storey hotel with bearer ordinary moment frame system (SRPMB). Planning this 4-storey hotel uses rules (SNI) SNI 2847-2013 (Requirements for Structural Concrete Building) and ISO 1726-2012 (Planning Procedures for Earthquake Resistance for Building Structure and Non-Building). Planning a 4th floor hotel include beams, columns, plates, foundations and sloof. 4-storey hotel is planned on the site classification of hard soil (SC) with the response modification factor (R) = 3 and the primacy of the building factor Ie = 1.0. Quality of the concrete used is f'c = 25 MPa, then longitudinal reinforcement fy = 350 MPa and shear (begel) fyt = 320 MPa. The tools used to plan, among others SAP2000 program for structural analysis calculations and AutoCad program to plot the shape and detail of the building structure. 4-storey hotel planning results using roof plate thickness of 10 cm and 12 cm thick slab, measuring 250/350 mm joists and girders measuring 400/600 mm and 400/500 mm sized columns. Under the structure of the foundation soles of continuous use with a depth of -2.00 m and the soil bearing capacity = 125 kPa with thick foundation size of 0.35 m and a width of 1.75 m, 2.40 m, 2.50 m, 2.55 m and 3.00 m

    Realistic Lip Syncing for Virtual Character Using Common Viseme Set

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    Speech is one of the most important interaction methods between the humans. Therefore, most of avatar researches focus on this area with significant attention. Creating animated speech requires a facial model capable of representing the myriad shapes the human face expressions during speech. Moreover, a method to produce the correct shape at the correct time is also in order. One of the main challenges is to create precise lip movements of the avatar and synchronize it with a recorded audio. This paper proposes a new lip synchronization algorithm for realistic applications, which can be employed to generate synchronized facial movements among the audio generated from natural speech or through a text-to-speech engine. This method requires an animator to construct animations using a canonical set of visemes for all pair wise combination of a reduced phoneme set. These animations are then stitched together smoothly to construct the final animation

    Lip syncing method for realistic expressive 3D face model

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    Lip synchronization of 3D face model is now being used in a multitude of important fields. It brings a more human, social and dramatic reality to computer games, films and interactive multimedia, and is growing in use and importance. High level of realism can be used in demanding applications such as computer games and cinema. Authoring lip syncing with complex and subtle expressions is still difficult and fraught with problems in terms of realism. This research proposed a lip syncing method of realistic expressive 3D face model. Animated lips requires a 3D face model capable of representing the myriad shapes the human face experiences during speech and a method to produce the correct lip shape at the correct time. The paper presented a 3D face model designed to support lip syncing that align with input audio file. It deforms using Raised Cosine Deformation (RCD) function that is grafted onto the input facial geometry. The face model was based on MPEG-4 Facial Animation (FA) Standard. This paper proposed a method to animate the 3D face model over time to create animated lip syncing using a canonical set of visemes for all pairwise combinations of a reduced phoneme set called ProPhone. The proposed research integrated emotions by the consideration of Ekman model and Plutchik’s wheel with emotive eye movements by implementing Emotional Eye Movements Markup Language (EEMML) to produce realistic 3D face model. © 2017 Springer Science+Business Media New Yor


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    2013Penelitian ini menganalisis pengaruhpengembangan karir organisasi dengan\ud komitmen karyawan. Data penelitian diperoleh dari kuesioner dan observasi\ud langsung di lapangan. Data dianalisis menggunaakn Regresi Linier Berganda.\ud Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwasecara simultan pengembangan karir\ud berdasarkan pendidikan dan pelatihan, serta mutasi dan promosi jabatan\ud berpengaruh terhadap komitmen karyawan pada PT. Bank Sulselbar Kota\ud Makassar. Artinya, komitmen kerja karyawan ditentukan olehlatar belakang\ud pendidikan karyawan, pelatihan yang diikuti, disiplin ilmu dan sikap yang\ud ditunjukkan dalam melayani nasabah serta adanya upaya untuk pemberian\ud promosi dan mutasi kerja yang sesuai dengan keinginan karyawan, sehingga\ud karyawan memiliki komitmen pada perusahaan tempatnya bekerja. Secara\ud parsial terlihat pengembangan karir berdasarkan pendidikan dan pelatihan yang\ud dominan berpengaruh terhadap komitmen kerja karyawan pada PT. Bank\ud Sulselbar KotaMakassar. Ini berarti komitmen kerja karyawan secara afektif,\ud normatif dan berkelanjutan tidak terlepas dari peluang yang diberikan\ud perusahaan untuk meningkatkan pendidikan ke jenjang yang lebih tinggi dan\ud pelatihan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan kerja karyawan dalam bidang\ud perbankan\ud Kata kunci: pengembangan karir, pendidikan dan pelatihan, promosi dan\ud mutasi, serta komitmen kerja\ud This research aims to analyze the effect of the development of carrier\ud organizationtowards commitment by staff. Data used in research from questioner\ud and direct observation in field. Data analysis used of Multiple Regression.\ud Research findings show in simultaneousthe development of carrier based on\ud education and training, promotion and mutation affect toward commitment by\ud staff. That mean, the commitment appointment by education background,\ud training, science discipline and attitude in service of customer and there are give\ud of promotion and mutation suitable with staff desire, so the staff have\ud commitment to company it. In partially, the development of carrier such as\ud education and training have dominant toward commitment in affectively,\ud normative and continuance not free from the opportunity from the company toincreasing the high education and training to increasing the skill in banking field.\ud Keywords: development of carrier, education and training, promotion and\ud mutation and commitment

    Tinjauan Momen Lentur Pelat Lantai Precast Beton Ringan Menggunakan Bahan Campur Limbah Plastik Dan Pecahan Genteng Diperkuat Tulangan Wiremesh

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    Floor plates are one of the structural components of construction both in buildings and bridges and are usually constructed with reinforced concrete construction. In general, the manufacture of reinforced concrete slabs is done by casting in place, so it will require more power and time in the process. The precast floor plate itself is the unity of several blocks of concrete plates that can be arranged in such a way that it can make a better quality floor plate. The precast floor plate is also one of the precast concrete results. Materials used in the manufacture of precast floor plates are water, cement, tile shards, HDPE plastic waste (High density polyethyleneI), sand and reinforced with wiremesh reinforcement. The purpose of this study is to create new innovations from precast floor plates in order to be more efficient and practical, both in terms of economy and time of workmanship. Planning of this precast floor plate uses mortar with a fine aggregate ratio and 1: 5 cement, and f.a.s 0.5. Test specimens made in this study as many as 12 pieces of concrete cylinders with a diameter of 15 cm and a height of 30 cm. With details of 3 pieces of concrete cylinders test object without mixed waste material plastic and 9 pieces of concrete cylindrical test object with a mixture of plastic waste material. The precast floor plate is made with the size of 110 cm x 50 cm as many as 12 pieces. With details of 3 pieces of specimens without waste plastic mixtures and 9 pieces of specimens with a mixture of waste plastic materials. This precast floor plate study tests the compressive strength and flexural strength. The result of concrete strength test of concrete cylinder with mixture material of plastic waste 0%, 4%, 6%, 8% obtained result respectively 16,135 MPa, 4,133 MPa, 3,831MPa, 3,416 MPa. The precast floor plates with flexible strength testing with plastic waste mixed materials of 0%, 4%, 6%, 8% obtained respectively 1492604,17 N.mm, 1369375,00 N.mm, 1191979,17 N.mm, 1018125,00 N.mm

    Analisis Pengaruh Loan To Deposit Ratio (LDR) Dan Debt To Equity Ratio (DER) Terhadap Kinerja Keuangan Return On Equity (ROE) Perusahaan Perbankan Di Indonesia Tahun 2009-2013

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh LDR dan DER terhadap ROE. Sampel yang digunakan adalah 18 perusahaan. Sampel ini menggunakan perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang perbankan dengan 90 data. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah uji asumsi, regresi linier berganda, uji t, dan uji F. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa pada LDR tidak mempunyai pengaruh secara parsial terhadap ROE yang dapat dilihat dari nilai t hitung 1,6032 dengan sig. 0,106 yang berarti sig. lebih besar daripada 0,05. Sedangkan pada DER diperoleh t hitung 1,996 dengan sig. 0,049 yang berarti lebih kecil daripada 0,05 maka DER mempunyai pengaruh secara signifikan terhadap ROE. Secara simultan LDR dan DER mempunyai pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap ROE. Dari kedua variabel ini dampak yang dapat dihasilkan terhadap variabel ROE sebesar 7,6 % dan faktor-faktor yang dipengaruh sebesar 92,4%